Wenn Sie von einer älteren Joomla Version auf die Version 3.7.3. oder Höher updaten wollen, kann es Probleme mit den Menütypen "main" und "menu" geben. Wenn im Backend (Administration) Komponenten nicht mehr angezeigt werden, ist es meist dieses Problem. Die Lösung ist recht einfach, wenn Sie Zugang zu Ihrer Datenbank haben und die folgenden SQL-Befehle nacheinander ausführen können. Wichtig: abcd_ muss überall durch den eigenen Präfix ersetzt werden!
Sync menutype for admin menu and set client_id correct
This file had to be modified with Joomla 3.7.3 because the original version made site menus disappear if there were menu types "main" or "menu" defined for the site.
Step 1:
If there is any user-defined menu and menu type "main" for the site (client_id = 0), then change the menu type for the menu, any module and the menu type to something very likely not being used yet and just within the max. length of 24 characters.
UPDATE `abcd_menu`
SET `menutype` = 'main_is_reserved_133C585'
WHERE `client_id` = 0
AND `menutype` = 'main'
AND (SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `abcd_menu_types` WHERE `client_id` = 0 AND `menutype` = 'main') > 0;
UPDATE `abcd_modules`
SET `params` = REPLACE(`params`,'"menutype":"main"','"menutype":"main_is_reserved_133C585"')
WHERE `client_id` = 0
AND (SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `abcd_menu_types` WHERE `client_id` = 0 AND `menutype` = 'main') > 0;
UPDATE `abcd_menu_types`
SET `menutype` = 'main_is_reserved_133C585'
WHERE `client_id` = 0
AND `menutype` = 'main';
Step 2:
What remains now are the main menu items, possibly with wrong client_id if there was nothing hit by step 1 because there was no record in the menu types table with client_id = 0.
UPDATE `abcd_menu`
SET `client_id` = 1
WHERE `menutype` = 'main';
Step 3:
If we have menu items for the admin using menutype = "menu" and having correct client_id = 1, we can be sure they belong to the admin menu and so rename the menutype.
UPDATE `abcd_menu`
SET `menutype` = 'main'
WHERE `client_id` = 1
AND `menutype` = 'menu';
Step 4:
If there is no user-defined menu type "menu" for the site, we can assume that any menu items for that menu type belong to the admin. Fix the client_id for those as it was done with the original version of this schema update script here.
UPDATE `abcd_menu`
SET `menutype` = 'main',
`client_id` = 1
WHERE `menutype` = 'menu'
AND (SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `abcd_menu_types` WHERE `client_id` = 0 AND `menutype` = 'menu') = 0;
Step 5:
For the standard admin menu items of menutype "main" there is no record in the menutype table on a clean Joomla installation. If there is one, it is a mistake and it should be deleted. This is also the case with menu type "menu" for the admin, for which we changed the menutype of the menu items in step 3.
DELETE FROM `abcd_menu_types`
WHERE `client_id` = 1
AND `menutype` IN ('main', 'menu');